New to Daycare

Leaving your child in case of someone else can be very overwhelming. When your child is just starting at daycare, it is natural to anticipate a period of adjustment for both you and your little one. Our main goal is to make everyone feel comfortable, safe and welcomed.  We strive to find an individual approach to each child to make their transition into new environment and new routine as easy as possible. To make the adjustment process smoother for the parents as well, provide parents with constant updates and photos of your child’s daily experiences. In short period of time, you will notice your child’s growing confidence and enthusiasm for their new environment.

Respectful Relationships

At our daycare, a culture of respect forms the foundation of relationship between staff, subtends and parents. We foster an environment where each child is valued and encouraged, promoting open communication and understanding. A sense of trust and cooperation is established, ensuring that parents feel confident in leaving their child in our care. The staff, in turn, demonstrate patience and empathy, recognizing the unique needs and personalities of each child. This respectful dynamic creates a loving and supportive community where everyone plays a role in nurturing the growth and well-being of each child.


At our daycare, we prioritize the well-being and healthy development of your child, and that includes providing nutritious, home cooked organic meals on a daily basis. From colorful fruits and vegetables to wholesome grains and organic proteins, we ensure that your child receives the essential nutrients necessary for healthy growth.

Sleep and Rest

Adequate sleep and rest play a pivotal role in the well-being and development of toddlers and your children. Quality sleep supports physical growth, cognitive function and emotional regulation. During nap times, children have the opportunity to recharge, consolidate learning and process new experiences. A well-rested child is more likely to engage positively in activities, exhibit improved concentration, and build resilience in the face of daily challenges. We recognize the importance of establishing healthy sleep routines, providing a nurturing environment where children can comfortably unwind and benefit from the essential rest they need for optimal development.